Retired Mixed Leagues

We have a couple of great 9 hole Retired Morning Mixed Leagues depending on the day you are available. Both these leagues are very social and provide you the opportunity to meet lots of new friends. They are both very friendly and welcoming.


Our Wednesday Morning Retired Mixed League mixes up players into groups so you get the opportunity to play with everyone with a Shotgun Start at 8:30am (everyone tees off at the same time on different holes). There are weekly games, Sausage on a Bun day and a final banquet. This League is all about fun. Your golfing ability is secondary to your ability to have fun with other retirees who are out to socialize and have a laugh through the game of golf. We alternate between the front and back 9. The League tees off May 1st. For more information PLEASE CLICK HERE


Our Thursday Morning Retired Mixed League was started by the Bayshore Seniors Club but anyone can join. It also is a very social group where players are mixed up each week allowing you to meet everyone in the League. There are also weekly games, sausage on a bun day and a final banquet. Shotgun Start kicks off  at 8:30am and we alternate between the front and back 9. The League tees off on May 2nd. For more information on this league PLEASE CLICK HERE.

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