Leagues – Play More Golf

We have learned that if you are interested in playing more golf Joining a League is the best way to accomplish this. Time Well Spent is the focus of everything we do here and our Leagues are one area where that is highly demonstrated. The Leagues at Orr Lake Golf Club are all focused on creating a fun, inclusive environment for everyone involved. I often get people who come in who want to buy a membership in hopes that they will start to play more golf (they usually played no more then 5 times the year before). My response is always the same, if you want to play more golf join a league. It’s a great way to get yourself committed to at least one round of golf per week. We find that most people tend to join a league with a friend and use the league night or day as their weekly “time out with friends”.

We have lots of Leagues to choose from. Click on the League Type below to get more details:

Leagues for Ladies

Leagues for Men

Retired Adults Mixed Leagues

Competitive (sort of) League

Junior Golf

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